ReadMe ------- 汉字字频数据来源: 1. 语料库在线: 2. Chinese text computing(中文文本计算): 需求:如果你有儿童字频统计,不管是口语还是书面语,都欢迎跟我们合作。让我们一起帮助全世界 的孩子们更轻松地学习汉语! 请访问汉字理解型学习网站的about us页面(,或者关于这个数 据文件的完整的内容说明、算法说明以及来源资料列表。除了学习顺序和学习顺序算法是我们自己的 贡献,对于其他所有其他的信息,我们只是鉴赏者和搬运工。 这是每一个数据项的说明:字、构件、理据打分(这个拆分是否很有道理和意义)、拼音、繁体(如 果和简体不同的话)、网络中的层次(最简单的汉字算作第一层)、字频1、字频排序1、学习顺序1 (假设零起点)、字频2、字频排序2、学习顺序2(假设零起点)。 本作品采用知识共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。如果您希望基于我们的数据做 商业或者其他开发但是突破这个共享协议,请联系我们 (,,。 引用:Xiaoyong yan, Ying Fan, Zengru Di, Shlomo Havlin, Jinshan Wu, Efficient learning strategy of Chinese characters based on network approach, PloS ONE, 8, e69745 (2013) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069745,或汉字理解型学习网站。 汉字理解型学习研究团队 2020.1.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources of usage frequency of Chinese characters: 1. 语料库在线: 2. Chinese text computing(中文文本计算): Call for collaboration: If you have usage frequency data on Chinese characters for kids and if you are willing to, please contact us. Together, let us make it easier for kids all over the world to learn Chinese! Please visit the About Us page( from the website of "Meaningful Learning of Chinese Characters" to find a more complete description of this data file, including its contents, the underlying algorithm, and data sources. Except the learning orders and the underlying algorithm, which are our own contribution, all other information are collected from references. For each character, we chose the most reliable ones from various decomposition in the references, according to and limited by our ability of appreciating all the decomposition. Here is the content for each column: Chinese Character, Decomposition, Rationality Score(how reliable and meaningful is the decomposition), pinyin, Traditional Chinese character(if it is different from the simplified one), Network Level(the simplest as the first level), Frequency 1, Frequency Order 1, Learning Order 1( learners are assumed to have no prior knowledge of Chinese), Frequency 2, Frequency Order 2, Learning Order 2(learners are assumed to have no prior knowledge of Chinese). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you would like to make commercial or other developments based on our data but beyond this agreement, please contact us (,, How to cite us: Xiaoyong yan, Ying Fan, Zengru Di, Shlomo Havlin, Jinshan Wu, Efficient learning strategy of Chinese characters based on network approach, PloS ONE, 8, e69745 (2013) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069745 Or this website (Meaningfully Learning Chinese Characters Research team on meaningful learning of Chinese characters 2020.1.2